Now, to start off with, I have a very "diverse" hobbie interest choice however if I were to list every sport that I have every taken an interest in it would be a very long, boring post.
Firstly, Mountain biking. Wow, I bet you are all thinking "this guy has an interesting life, he consciously choses to ride something with two wheels, fueled only by the riders interest to wear large amounts of lycra and then proceed to get hot and sweaty in it" but no, there's no lycra round here. Downhill Mountain biking, is very much the opposite, it is a sport in which a thirst for adventure is neccasary , as shown by the picture below.

Next surfing, a sport that is largly about climbing into tight fitting clothing and then proceeding to paddle around in the sea on bits of plastic, with large numbers of other men (or women) also clad in this tight gear.
However it is great fun, especially for more scoial reasons, no one likes the lone surfer who gets annoyed when he falls off and starts thrashing at the water like some form of distressed animal, but if you're with friends, its a much more enjoyable experience.

This is me in France two years ago.
Sailing is a thoroughly relaxing yet enjoyable activity, whether it's sailing a yacht down the french coast ordering your crew members around, or sailing a Laser in the mediterranean, racing your friends. Different to common misconception it's not all about the wealthy, purchasing a boat, just so it can sit alongside a pier and be mentioned in conversation at every possible occasion. I am now qualified with an RYA Level 2 Sailing with spinnakers certificate.
Lastly rugby, rugby is a slightly more common sport especially for me who takes great interest in chosing sports that involve water when I live in one of the most land-locked places in England.
I have played rugby for 6 years now, all this time representing Lichfield, who during this time, won the county final 5 times. I have also represented King Edward VI Lichfield through numerous age groups, and now the 1st XV squad. I have also represented Staffordshire county for two years.
Firstly, Mountain biking. Wow, I bet you are all thinking "this guy has an interesting life, he consciously choses to ride something with two wheels, fueled only by the riders interest to wear large amounts of lycra and then proceed to get hot and sweaty in it" but no, there's no lycra round here. Downhill Mountain biking, is very much the opposite, it is a sport in which a thirst for adventure is neccasary , as shown by the picture below.

Next surfing, a sport that is largly about climbing into tight fitting clothing and then proceeding to paddle around in the sea on bits of plastic, with large numbers of other men (or women) also clad in this tight gear.
However it is great fun, especially for more scoial reasons, no one likes the lone surfer who gets annoyed when he falls off and starts thrashing at the water like some form of distressed animal, but if you're with friends, its a much more enjoyable experience.

This is me in France two years ago.
Sailing is a thoroughly relaxing yet enjoyable activity, whether it's sailing a yacht down the french coast ordering your crew members around, or sailing a Laser in the mediterranean, racing your friends. Different to common misconception it's not all about the wealthy, purchasing a boat, just so it can sit alongside a pier and be mentioned in conversation at every possible occasion. I am now qualified with an RYA Level 2 Sailing with spinnakers certificate.
Lastly rugby, rugby is a slightly more common sport especially for me who takes great interest in chosing sports that involve water when I live in one of the most land-locked places in England.
I have played rugby for 6 years now, all this time representing Lichfield, who during this time, won the county final 5 times. I have also represented King Edward VI Lichfield through numerous age groups, and now the 1st XV squad. I have also represented Staffordshire county for two years.
I'll be sure to update this post once more sports begin to interest me, thank you for reading.
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